Earth Day Sale! + EXTRA 5% Off! Code: ED24 EXP: 4/29
Earth Day Sale! + EXTRA 5% Off! Code: ED24 EXP: 4/29
Earth Day Sale! + EXTRA 5% Off! Code: ED24 EXP: 4/29
Free Shipping Orders over $99. Ends 4/29.
Free Shipping Orders over $99. Ends 4/29.
M-F 9AM-5:30PM EST
Joe T. from Roanoke, Virginia asks:
Which is better to extend battery longevity? Keep it plugged in 100% until needed or use regularly and cycle between discharging and recharging? Also when using what battery percentage do you not want to go below before needing to recharge? I've heard that it's best not to let it discharge below 50% that you would lose overall battery life if you discharge a lead acid battery too low. Wondering what % is too low to keep from damaging battery. Thanks!

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Free Shipping Orders over $99. Ends 4/29.
M-F 9AM-5:30PM EST