Winter Sale + 5% Off! Code: BFR5 *Exclusions apply
Winter Sale + 5% Off! Code: BFR5 *Exclusions Apply
Winter Sale + 5% Off! Code: BFR5 *Exclusions Apply
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Free Shipping Orders over $99. Ends 3/7.
M-F 9AM-5:30PM EST
Madeline Brooks from oregon asks:
I  just bought one, it isn't installed yet.  But I wonder if it's protected from EMP, and if not, what I should do to protect it. 

I am going to be storing my insulin in a small fridge and want it to remain running if the power goes out.  Look what happened in California, rolling blackouts with no warning.  People had medical devices that didn't work, like the CPAP machines.

Thank you.

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Free Shipping Orders over $99. Ends 3/7.
M-F 9AM-5:30PM EST