Earth Day Sale! + EXTRA 5% Off! Code: ED24 EXP: 4/29
Earth Day Sale! + EXTRA 5% Off! Code: ED24 EXP: 4/29
Earth Day Sale! + EXTRA 5% Off! Code: ED24 EXP: 4/29
Free Shipping Orders over $99. Ends 4/29.
Free Shipping Orders over $99. Ends 4/29.
M-F 9AM-5:30PM EST
Kathy from Ohio asks:
Where is the battery located on the Imperial ll solar lamp post and how much is the replacement? How do you change the battery if need be?

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A Specialty Co. Since 2006!
Free Shipping Orders over $99. Ends 4/29.
M-F 9AM-5:30PM EST