Earth Day Sale! + EXTRA 5% Off! Code: ED24 EXP: 4/29
Earth Day Sale! + EXTRA 5% Off! Code: ED24 EXP: 4/29
Earth Day Sale! + EXTRA 5% Off! Code: ED24 EXP: 4/29
Free Shipping Orders over $99. Ends 4/29.
Free Shipping Orders over $99. Ends 4/29.
M-F 9AM-5:30PM EST
Nicole from Madison, wi asks:
Can you put these in stair risers? What type of battery and how much does it cost to replace them? Is it possible to leave them in for the winter months as well? Thank you!

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A Specialty Co. Since 2006!
Free Shipping Orders over $99. Ends 4/29.
M-F 9AM-5:30PM EST